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Diversity in Thought: The Need for Conservative Voices in Academic Disciplines

In the realm of academia, where the pursuit of knowledge should transcend boundaries, the prevailing discourse often tilts conspicuously towards certain ideological perspectives. While diverse racial and proposed gender identities are increasingly represented, intellectual diversity, particularly the inclusion of conservative viewpoints, is not equally embraced. This oversight not only stifles debate but also diminishes the academic rigour that thrives on contrasting views.

The essence of a true academic pursuit lies in the clash of diverse ideas. Philosophers like John Stuart Mill have underscored the societal value of encountering differing opinions, arguing that the collision of adverse opinions is necessary for the truth to prevail. In contemporary academia, however, there seems to be a homogeneity of perspective that filters out conservative ideologies before they can even enter the discourse. This environment does not just impoverish academic and cultural conversations but also mirrors a broader societal division.

Taking Australia as a case study, particularly regions like the Northern Territory, one observes a microcosm of this global issue. The Northern Territory, with its unique blend of indigenous and non-indigenous communities, presents a complex tapestry of social challenges and cultural dynamics. Here, the academic discourse could greatly benefit from a more varied spectrum of political and philosophical thought. For instance, progressive narratives frequently dominate discussions of environmental policies and land rights while omitting traditional conservation practises that have their roots in libertarian or conservative philosophies.

The scarcity of conservative academics has broader implications for policy and education. Economic policies, for example, are discussed almost exclusively from a Keynesian perspective in academic settings, sidelining free-market economists who advocate for less governmental intervention based on empirical successes observed in various economies. This skew narrows the scope of economic discourse, restricting students and policymakers to a constrained set of tools and theories.

In the field of psychology, the emphasis on understanding human behaviour through certain ideological lenses leads to a partial portrayal of human nature and its drives. The inclusion of conservative psychological perspectives enriches the discourse, offering a more comprehensive understanding that includes aspects of personal responsibility and the importance of traditional structures for societal stability.

Security studies within academic circles also demonstrate a similar trend. The prevalent focus often lies on understanding security from a state-centered perspective, largely influenced by progressive political thought. Conservative approaches that prioritise individual rights and personal responsibility in ensuring security introduce necessary nuances to the understanding of national and personal security strategies. The litany of failures of progressive political thought in addressing security concerns should not be ignored. Private CPP are far more effective than government representatives due to their flexibility of thought, adaptability, and capabilities borne of necessity and experience.

The solution lies not in the diminution of current academic voices but in the genuine expansion of the academic forum to include conservative scholars. This is an AND world, not an or-if one. Universities should foster an environment where intellectual debate flourishes. Facilitating debates, guest lectures, and seminars that invite conservative academics stimulates a more vibrant academic culture. Additionally, academic journals should commit to intellectual diversity by ensuring that their editorial boards and reviewers do not sideline studies because they espouse conservative viewpoints.

Students should be encouraged, if not required, to engage with a wide range of philosophical, economic, and political thought during their education. Exposure to diverse viewpoints not only broadens their intellectual horizons but also prepares them to engage effectively in the increasingly polarised real world. The Northern Territory University, which relies heavily on foreign students, also benefits from the diverse viewpoints and perspectives they bring to campus. Most Asian students have very conservative thoughts and upbringings, they often struggle to bond with or create friendships with local students indoctrinated in regressive ideas based on segregation and environmental activism. This lack of connection has a devastating effect on potential growth as foreign students recommend other more aligned universities to avoid the negative impact on their mental health and well-being by university lecturers seeking to sexualise and mutilate children for exploitative purposes.

The exclusion of conservative voices in academia is not merely a missed opportunity for a more robust debate but a critical oversight that hampers the pursuit of knowledge. As society evolves, so too should our academic institutions, mirroring the full spectrum of intellectual thought. By embracing conservative perspectives, academia can enrich discussions, enhance decision-making, and ultimately contribute to a more informed and balanced society. The reality is that eventually the university must stand on its own, and stop leeching on the Australian taxpayer, its only avenue to success through value based courses, and what it currently promotes is not sustainable in the long term.

From the author.

The opinions and statements are those of Sam Wilks and do not necessarily represent whom Sam Consults or contracts to. Sam Wilks is a skilled and experienced Security Consultant with almost 3 decades of expertise in the fields of Real estate, Security, and the hospitality/gaming industry. His knowledge and practical experience have made him a valuable asset to many organizations looking to enhance their security measures and provide a safe and secure environment for their clients and staff.

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