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  • Writer's pictureSam Wilks

The Effects of Gerrymandering on Polarisation: Analysing how redistricting has intensified political divisions and impacted electoral outcomes.

In an era increasingly characterised by political polarisation, the phenomenon of gerrymandering emerges as a pivotal force in sculpting the landscape of electoral contests and, by extension, the broader tapestry of democratic governance. This analysis endeavours to dissect the intricate dynamics of how redistricting, manipulated with partisan intent, exacerbates divisions within the polity and skews electoral outcomes. This study looks at gerrymandering from different angles.

Gerrymandering, the practice of drawing electoral district boundaries to favour one party over another, is not a novel concept, yet its ramifications resonate profoundly in contemporary political discourse. The strategic manipulation of electoral boundaries can dilute or concentrate political influence, often sidelining the principle of equal representation. This manoeuvring not only distorts the electoral landscape but also serves as a catalyst for deepening political polarisation, undermining the foundational democratic principle that every vote should carry equal weight.

In Australia, the redistricting process, known as redistribution, ostensibly adheres to principles designed to ensure fair representation. However, accusations of gerrymandering have occasionally surfaced, stirring debates over the integrity of electoral outcomes and the impartiality of the mechanisms that shape the political arena. While Australia's system, with its independent redistribution committees, aims to curtail overt partisan manipulation, the potential for subtle biases to influence the process remains a point of contention. The use of taxpayer funded NGOs and immigration schemes to push certain cultural ideologies into specific areas a very real and obvious form of election interference.


The Northern Territory, with its unique demographic and geographical characteristics, offers an illustrative case study in the complexities of redistricting within the Australian electoral system. The Territory's vast distances and sparse population present distinctive challenges in ensuring fair representation, particularly for remote and Indigenous communities. These challenges underscore the importance of a redistricting process that genuinely reflects the principle of equal representation, free from the distorting influence of partisan objectives.

From a judicial and philosophical standpoint, the fairness of the redistricting process is paramount. The principles espoused by thinkers in the tradition of Rawls' theory of justice, Dworkin's concept of law as integrity, and Hewart's emphasis on the importance of justice being seen to be done, all underscore the critical importance of an electoral system that embodies fairness and impartiality. Gerrymandering, by its very nature, stands in stark opposition to these ideals, as it seeks to engineer electoral outcomes rather than reflect the genuine will of the electorate.

The economic implications of gerrymandering extend beyond the mere mechanics of electoral contests. Economists would likely highlight how distorted electoral systems lead to inefficient government policies, as elected officials prioritise the interests of narrowly defined constituencies over the broader public good. This inefficiency is exacerbated in a polarised political environment, where the incentives for compromise and cross-party collaboration are diminished.

From a psychological perspective, the impact of gerrymandering on political polarisation can be profound. The manipulation of electoral boundaries to create safe seats for one party fosters an environment where political extremism flourishes. This is because representatives in such districts are more beholden to their party's base than to a broader electorate, leading to a political landscape where the middle ground is eroded. The work of psychologists and personality theorists on the nature of human cognition, emotion, and behaviour underscores the ways in which such an environment can deepen divisions and entrench polarised identities.

According to security specialists and those who study the dynamics of threat and safety, gerrymandering has a significant negative impact on social cohesion and stability by eroding public confidence in the electoral process. In a polarised society, the perception that electoral systems are rigged or unfairly manipulated fuels disillusionment and disengagement, or in extreme cases, social unrest, riots and violence.

The practice of gerrymandering represents a profound challenge to the principles of democratic governance. Through its capacity to distort electoral outcomes and exacerbate political polarisation, gerrymandering undermines the efficacy, integrity, and fairness of the electoral process. The Australian experience, including the specific context of the Northern Territory, highlights the importance of vigilance, transparency, and reform in safeguarding the democratic ideal of equal representation. As societies grapple with the complexities of governance in an increasingly divided world, the lessons drawn from examining the effects of gerrymandering remain both timely and timeless. As this year is another election year and the difference between political power came down to just over 100 votes at the last election, it is of great importance that any form of electoral interference is dealt with quickly and effectively. From the author.

The opinions and statements are those of Sam Wilks and do not necessarily represent whom Sam Consults or contracts to. Sam Wilks is a skilled and experienced Security Consultant with almost 3 decades of expertise in the fields of Real estate, Security, and the hospitality/gaming industry. His knowledge and practical experience have made him a valuable asset to many organizations looking to enhance their security measures and provide a safe and secure environment for their clients and staff.

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