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Preventative Health Care is better than Hospital Health Care

One of the largest issues I have encountered apart from Safety and Security in my community of Richardson form those over 40 is “Health Care”. Many in society have mistakenly placed the responsibility of health care on Federal and state governments alone but local governments (Councils) provide an integral part of the services required for those approaching older age. Councils control parks, roads, waste and provide a massive amount of benefits in regards to Preventative methods of delivering health care.

Activities, attractions, events and exercises provided for the community by the council attribute to over 50% of local preventative health care. The greener and more accessible our environment is the more it gets used by all ages and in such increases long term community well being.

So how do we increase the health benefits and opportunities to those over 50?

Firstly to acknowledge the current council and public activities in Richardson provided that are enjoyed by those over 50 (and those substantially younger).

  • Casuarina Beach

  • Lyons Park Nature reserve and free Beach

  • Casuarina Public Library

  • Public Toilet facilities

  • Casuarina Pool and fitness facilities

  • Community Gardens ( CDU, public and council)

  • Alawa Bike park

  • Leanyer recreation Park

  • And many more

Other activities available

  • Bird Watching

  • Bike riding

  • Walking paths

  • and many more

The average age of a home owner in the territory is over 45, although the average age of someone in the Top End is 31. That means that there are a large number of older investors in the Top end and they want a positive and progressive return on their investment.

Older people have recently radically reduced the investment in the Top-end due to several reason’s. Since 2010 and due in part to the responsible lending criteria requirements from the federal government and the Reserve Bank, older people, 50 and above have had their ability to risk and invest reduced substantially. Those over 50 cannot borrow for the same length of time that someone under 50 can and therefore borrow less.

This has had a devastating effect on our local economy, add to that massive public service employment cuts and government enforced austerity measures, the worst thing that could happen would be a sell-off of income producing assets…….OOP’S.

As those over 50 have had their income and investment ability reduced so they no longer contribute as much to the economy and now due to rising costs of infra-structure and a reduction in public services they are being forced to spend less time and money on “preventative Health Measure”.

This is where a progressive council can meet demands whilst increasing the investment in the economy and the council through volunteer, educational and Health programs. Including at Activities, attractions, events and exercises provided for the community by the council.

The Council has a voice that amplifies that of the community when dealing with government departments. The council has access to resources and land that can benefit both the council and the government in providing resources to the public.

Feedback directly from those I consider the wiser in our community is such

  • Adequate public access through pus stops etc directly to activities not a 1-2km walk away from activities. Example – , The new entertainment complex’s King Pin, Ice- skating rink, The Casuarina beach etc.

  • Proper Fencing of the parks, so that their dogs and or grand children don’t accidently run on to the road and oncoming traffic whilst in their care.

  • More computer access and video link activities at the Library

  • More free wifi facilities at adequate speeds

  • More public rest rooms

  • More wheel chair and walker access to local facilities

  • A new Pensioner Parking bay ( they are not disabled but they do require closer access)

I am sure there are many more progressive and positive ideas for the Darwin City Council to listen to. If you want a voice this coming election. Vote 1 for Sam Wilks in the Richardson Ward on the 26th August 2017.

Remember it’s better to live your life than spend your time trying to save it.

Note :

Written and Authorized by Sam Wilks. The views included may not be those of others mentioned in the article but are those of Sam Wilks. If you have other idea’s feel free to comment below. Idea’s and differing opinion is recognition of a free and just democratic society. A Society I am happy to live in. Please however try not to be abusive or discriminative, you may be. But if I feel that your opinion may be harmful or is reported as being harmful, I will delete it.

Sam Wilks

0402 152 929

PO Box 40441

Casuarina NT 0810

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