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Writer's pictureSam Wilks

Idea's are not mine alone!

When you wake up and friends are sending posts to you that remind them of proposals You made public over 6 months ago about using Berrimah (foskey pavilion) as a temporary homeless shelter etc. (due to bus stop access, facilities and the fact they need bathroom upgrades etc which is an ideal negotiation point for providing funding etc.)

Firstly thank you for letting me know. But, they aren’t all my idea’s. They were formulated through public consultation and door knocking etc.

There will be lots of idea’s I discuss being developed or used in the Top End, not because I say it, but because they are common sense Idea’s that come from the public.

Many of those I had coffee with, or visited are business people, business people have been lobbying the NT gov and Council for decades.

I appreciate the shares, I appreciate the acknowledgement, but credit truly, where credit is due. Darwin has some of the smartest occupants and visitors in the world, of all ages, colours and backgrounds.

The Berrimah idea shared to me came from an aboriginal business woman from a once cyclone affected community. She was intoxicated (first time in Darwin (sic)) and she told me that Darwin’s homeless problem was silly. “You (meaning Darwin) have the Foskey place, you have fences (security) and bus! Why not (make it a) short term place, then have tents and give em clean up jobs for the show!”

I wrote down the idea, like I do any good idea, researched it and 5 months later put it in a Blog. I am sure many other people have been discussing the same thing.

Keep sending me the information, and your ideas. I will keep writing things from time to time, maybe as some have told me, even start sending stuff to the “empty news”. I will continue to share your smart, researched ideas. The Issues in the Top End are human problems, created by humans and can be resolved by us. 👍

As for local government implementing the idea/s, that’s a good thing. Using public consultation gives them the opportunity to try ideas based on merit and backflip quickly if ideas don’t stack up. 🤔Private consultation fails to give them that out.

I look forward to some more positive implementation of some great Territorian Idea’s. 👍

Maybe the expansion of the security scheme to include - cyclone/safety upgrade scheme etc. whereby commercial entities could claim help to install security roller shutters, with advertising wraps etc. for the purpose of cyclone risk/ ohs reduction.... but also to reduce the amount of after hours smash and grab opportunities👍

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