The art of political propaganda, particularly when it's wielded to demonise minority groups or certain individuals, is a phenomenon that transcends boundaries and epochs. It's a tool that political parties across the globe, including in Australia, have employed with varying degrees of subtlety and success.
This story often follows a pattern that shows deeper psychological and social dynamics. It is affected by how psychology, economics, and safety/security concerns interact with each other. In Australia, one can trace instances where political rhetoric has been strategically aligned to frame certain groups or individuals in a negative light. For instance, the portrayal of asylum seekers and refugees, particularly those arriving by boat, has been engulfed in a narrative of fear for over two decades as opposed to the open arms provided for those in the same position some two decades earlier.
Political discourse has frequently oscillated between concerns about national security and economic strain, painting these individuals not as people fleeing persecution but as potential threats to societal stability, however, their was and still is a major distinction that was never allowed proper discourse, not the geograohical differences, but the cultural ones.
Framing is not without consequence. It shapes public perception, often overshadowing individual stories with a broad brush of suspicion and fear. The economic argument, a tool in the propagandist's arsenal, argues that these minority groups are a drain on resources, taking jobs and welfare benefits away from citizens. This narrative overlooks the economic contributions of immigrants and the complex reasons driving their migration.
Psychologically, such propaganda taps into deep-seated biases and fears. Psychologists and security experts have both examined this tactic, noting how fear can be a potent motivator in influencing public opinion and policy. In demonising the 'other', political parties often create a perceived common enemy, fostering a sense of unity among the majority at the expense of a marginalized minority.
This is not to say that those concerns about national security and economic stability are unfounded. or without merit. The manner in which these concerns were presented lacked the nuance and depth required to address them effectively. However, they most definitely had merit, but the national security of the country has been compromised, and the lamp lid can never be re-instated once the Genie is out. Recent decisions by the High Court of Australia in complete disregard of the safety and security of Australian citizens have seen murderers, rapists, and child molestors freed arbitrarily by activist judges seeking to gain retribution for past slants on their competence. They have definitely proven to the Australian people that judges have no place in public policy or the safety and security of their law-abiding citizens. Security experts in Australia emphasise the importance of balanced approaches that recognize the complexity of these issues rather than reducing them to simplistic, fear-mongering narratives. Its about trade and the most important part of that is transparent, and honest public discourse.
The role of the media in propagating these narratives cannot be understated. As observed in several instances, media outlets aligning with certain political ideologies amplify and reinforce these messages. This creates an echo chamber, where the demonisation of certain groups or individuals becomes normalised, often at the expense of factual reporting and balanced discourse.
Such propaganda campaigns have divided society, where suspicion and hostility have taken the place of empathy and understanding. It's a dangerous path, as history has repeatedly shown, leading to social unrest and, in extreme cases, to acts of violence against the demonised groups. The ABC and their show Four Corners relentlessly attempted to incite violence against security personnel and pushed a racially divisive agenda in 2023. However, open discussions, planning, and public education helped the industry weather the storm, with only the most evil members in the community and their identifiable families, well-known taxpayer-funded parasites seeking to carry out violent armed attacks.
The use of propaganda by political parties to demonise minority groups or certain individuals is a complex issue that intertwines economic, psychological, and security considerations. While concerns about national resources and security are legitimate, the manner in which these issues are presented and exploited for political gain often leads to harmful societal divisions. To create a society that values diversity and acceptance over fear and division, we need to take a more nuanced and compassionate approach that is based on facts and an understanding of the complex dynamics at play. In the realm of security we use personality traits and emotional profiling to determine the behviour and intent and act accordingly. By regulating our own emotions and discipline, we can avoid being drawn into tribalism. From the author.
The opinions and statements are those of Sam Wilks and do not necessarily represent whom Sam Consults or contracts to. Sam Wilks is a skilled and experienced Security Consultant with almost 3 decades of expertise in the fields of Real estate, Security, and the hospitality/gaming industry. His knowledge and practical experience have made him a valuable asset to many organizations looking to enhance their security measures and provide a safe and secure environment for their clients and staff.